Thursday, October 25, 2012

Some Life by the Sea…

This is a place of beauty, pain and courage.
It is a beautiful and sad sight. The calm blue sky and the vastness of the sea are in contrast with the disarray and rather limited options of the people in this area. Surely, the people here do not concern themselves of how well their houses look, or what are the brands of their dresses. The people here are more concerned on what they will be eating every day and whether parents will be able to send their children to school. The children do not really care on having the latest gadget, they don't play with IPods' and Xbox, and they help their parents with their livelihood. They toil everyday hoping tomorrow would offer a better opportunity. There is no luxury here, only a little comfort, and a burning dream for a better life.


It made me realize how some people lived in a less than perfect environment and still have smiles on their faces. I am in awe on how they survived living every day. There is no drainage system and no sewers. Everything is in makeshift. It must be really tough but they get by.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dusk and Dawning

The beauty of dusk is that as it turns darker, you’ll appreciate the light more, and you can look up at the shining sky knowing that the darkness shall pass and new hope will be waiting tomorrow.

I am constantly waiting for that hope. That as I smile, my eyes would twinkle too. As everything around me turns dark, I believe that the sky would continually be blue for me.  No one can grant me happiness. My happiness must come from within. So, as i wait as the dusk slowly unfold to a black night, I search for that twinkle of light that will guide my heart and let me know of the greater purpose of my being. Beyond the clouds of pain and  confusion, I know there is a ray that will guide me to where I should be and what must I do.